What up?! My name is Jeremy Seth Abramson and I’m a world-renowned speaker, podcast host, coach, and founder of the Microdosing Mastermind. I’m so grateful for the life that I’m living at 33 years old.

But it wasn’t always like this…

I’m going to share some challenging parts of my journey with you - because social media and the internet usually just shows the highlight reel of people’s lives.

And I believe that authenticity and vulnerability are the SUPERPOWERS necessary for building deeper trust and connection.

As a son of a neurologist, I always had a fascination with the brain and how to optimize it for maximum performance in sports and school.

While I witnessed my dad save lives and help many people, I also saw a DARKER SIDE of western medicine. The side that is more concerned with putting band-aids over bullet wounds rather than helping people heal.

When I was 13 years old, my older brother, Jonathan went down a path of drugs and alcohol.

We became disconnected for the next 15 years and I wasn't aware at the time, but this trauma became a huge treasure that TRANSFORMED the trajectory of my life.

After graduating from the University of Oregon, I spent a couple of years working in collegiate and professional sports before moving to Miami at the age of 24. This is where I discovered my true passion for health and impacting others in a positive way. I soon became addicted to the path of personal growth and became obsessed with helping people become stronger - physically, mentally and spiritually.

For the next 7 years, I decided to learn everything possible about fitness, nutrition, spirituality, and longevity with the intention of becoming the BEST VERSION OF MYSELF - and empowering others to do the same. I've spent over $250,000 learning from the best teachers and practitioners in the world: people like Joe Dispenza, Wim Hof and even indigenous shamans in Peru.

In fact, it was this ayahuasca experience in Peru that CHANGED MY LIFE forever in the summer of 2018. I had profound healing experience, where I became aware of the energetic blockages and insecurities that had been holding me back in many areas of life. In addition, this plant medicine allowed me to RELEASE a lot of the anger and resentment I had been harboring onto towards my brother.

This medicine helped me cultivate compassion for all the pain and suffering Jonathan had experienced in his childhood. I felt a deep calling to heal our relationship, in addition to helping him improve his mental health, while BREAKING FREE from the prison of pharmaceutical drugs in the process.

After experiencing ayahuasca, I intuitively knew that these indigenous plant medicines and compounds had profound healing potential. I decided to follow my curiosities and learn more about the different natural healing tools being used around the world.

After diving deep into the research and literature, it became very clear to me that psilocybin mushrooms were the medicine I wanted to explore more.


From all the reports and studies, they appeared to be completely safe, non-addictive, and extremely effective at improving mood, creativity, cognition and overall quality of life. In addition, they come directly from NATURE and have been used for hundreds of thousands of years. So I decided to try them out. But I didn't want to "trip out." I wanted to start slow and still be able to function on a day to day basis.


Most people don't know this, but prior to starting microdosing at the end of 2019, I struggled with terrible anxiety, an addiction to external validation, and was unable to really feel and express my emotions fully.

This made it virtually impossible to build meaningful friendships or intimate relationships. Because every relationship in life is a reflection of the relationship with YOURSELF.

And quite frankly, I didn't have a great relationship with myself.

In addition to this, I also suffered from persistent psoriasis, horrible acne, and disturbing digestive issues. In fact, my digestive issues got so bad that I ended up in the hospital and had to have a tube put up my nose and down my throat to clean up some toxicity in my intestines.

And to be honest with you, after doing a lot of deep work and self discovery, I realized that I never truly loved myself unconditionally. I had different emotinal and energetic blockages that were driving inflammation and dysfunction in my nervous system.

It wasn't until exploring the world of microdosing that I was truly able to heal some of my deeper emotional wounds and start STEPPING INTO MY POWER as a leader, lover, creator and entrepreneur.

And since implementing microdosing at the end of 2019, every area of my life has TRANSFORMED in a positive way: my mood, my mental health, my relationships, my creativity, my confidence, my energy levels, my financial abundance, and my overall appreciation for life.

I feel so blessed to be living the life of my dreams at the age of 33. I live in the beautiful Miami Beach and am fortunate enough to have some of the most meaningful friendships I could ask for.

I have deep loving connections with my family.

I've been fortunate enough to coach some of the most incredible heart-led leaders, entrepreneurs and athletes.

I've had the opportunity to speak on stages all over the world and create a massive impact by simply living in alignment and speaking my truth. I'm making more money and I could imagine, while living a life filled with presence, passion, and PURPOSE.

But I want to make something very clear. I'm not sharing this to brag or boast. I'm sharing this because I've been able to help hundreds of others create the reality of their dreams by implementing a very specific set of holistic health protocols, and routines, including our intentional implementation of MICRODOSING.

And in case you're wondering about my brother?

I'm happy to say that he is doing much and our relationship continues to grow everyday.

In addition, I've also used microdosing to help my mom safely wean off antidepressants.

And this is a big reason WHY I'm so passionate about this medicine.

In addition to it playing a massive role in my family's health and healing. I've seen it help hundreds of people TRANSFORM their lives in the Microdosing Mastermind.

Are you ready to join the family?

Disclaimer: Our mission at the Microdosing Mastermind is to share trusted, research-based content that helps you feel safe, supported, and empowered as you follow your path towards personal transformation. This mastermind experience is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Statements and views expressed in our education portal and live calls are NOT medical advice. This mastermind, including Jeremy Abramson, any and all coaches, employees, agents, or other disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Our community places trust in us – and we view that responsibility with reverence. Please consult with your physician or a health care professional to discuss any medical concerns, and as always exercise caution and care.

Copyright 2022 Jeremy Abramson. Unleash Potential, LLC - All Rights Reserved. PRIVACY POLICY